Caroline Carret - visual artist

Ms/Mrs Caroline Carret

2340, Route de Saint

La Sautellerie

07380 La Souche

Telephone : 07 67 13 55 59

Visual artist, I combine various techniques such as modeling, molding and enamelling. I like to navigate in imaginary worlds.

Through a journey of the senses, I want to stimulate our imagination and awaken us to the mysterious. Inspired by nature, animals and the sensations experienced underwater, my creations are in search of a weightless world. A timeless world, engraved in concrete, where the archaic and the futuristic meet. I model in clay and make casts in concrete and other materials. I also like to combine different materials, such as enamelling in the ceramic kiln with old found objects.

Période d'ouverture

From 01/04 to 20/10/2024.

Facilities / Interests


Car park, Private parking, Free car park
One price: 50 to 3,000 €.


Apr 01, 2024 Oct 20, 2024





Latitude : 44.627634

Longitude : 4.167869

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Source des données

APIDAE - L'information touristique

Données mises à jour le Mar 21, 2024 00:30:44